Whether you've been buying your outdoor gear from us since 1990 or this is the first time you've heard of us, we thank you for visiting our website today. At Lenny's Shoe & Apparel, our goal is to help you gear up for your next big adventure.
When you're gearing up for a family camping trip, a day hike with friends, or a long day on the job site, we have you covered. No matter what outdoor activities you have planned, we have the footwear, apparel, accessories, and advice you can depend on. We offer a large selection of high quality, top brands including Carhartt, Keen and Dansko for men, women, and children. Whether you're looking for shoes, boots, outerwear, clothing or rugged work wear for your toughest jobs, you can't beat our selection.
We invite you to come see it all at one of our four Vermont stores in Williston, St. Albans, and our flagship and outlet stores in Barre or visit our newest location in Plattsburgh, NY. Whichever store you walk into, you'll be greeted by one of our expert team members who have the passion and knowledge to outfit you with high-performance gear that fits you right. We're here to inspire, educate and outfit you for a lifetime of outdoor adventure.
Because at Lenny's Shoe & Apparel, we fit you right!
Sincerely, Mark & Todd McCarthy

We believe it’s more important now than ever to support our local community. At Lenny's, we feel proud that we can be a home base for people who keep our communities running. Over the years, we have proudly donated over $350,000 in gear and support to our neighbors in need.
Below is a list of some of the non-profit organizations we support with links to their volunteer opportunities. Click on the organization's name to visit their website for volunteer info. We challenge you to get involved and make a difference in your community. Simply help each other, help your neighbor, help your friends, help a stranger. Do something good and more good will come out of that. Every small positive contribution that you make is a pebble that will cause ripples.
When we all work together, we can make a difference.
Vermont Foodbank - Barre, Rutland, Brattleboro, VT: We have donated over $166,000 in food and support.
Special Olympics Vermont - South Burlington, VT: We were named "Fundraising Organization of the Year".
Special Olympics New York - Schenectady, NY: We have donated over $41,000 to Special Olympics
Committee on Temporary Shelter - Burlington, VT: We have donated $33,843 of socks & support.
Samaritan House - St. Albans, VT: We have donated over $30,670 worth of socks and support.
Good Samaritan Haven - Barre, VT: We have donated over $34,177 worth of socks and support.
JCEO - Plattsburgh, NY: We have donated over $38,309 to the Plattsburgh Foodshelf.
Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation: We have donated over $5,000 to this foundation.
Chittenden County Humane Society - South Burlington, VT: We have donated almost $4,000 in supplies.
Franklin County Animal Rescue - St. Albans, VT: We have donated over $1,000 in pet supplies.
Elmore SPCA - Peru, NY: We have donated over $1,000 in pet supplies and support.
Lund - South Burlington, VT: We have donated wool mittens and winter boots.
Hurricane Irene Relief - We donated over 900 boxes of Carhartt clothing to victims of the hurricane.
Lenny's was chosen as the Hamilton Carhartt Retailer of Excellence Award Winner.